Tagged: MictroTales

Jazz in the time of Blitzkrieg

Although the shrieking scream of the V2 rocket was receding, Billy was left trembling, in the drafty hollow apartment. He felt, more than heard, the low thud of the missile hitting the ground, if...

The Boy In the Library

There is something romantic about the Central Library. The world is always quiet in there. The perfect  tranquillity of life and the odour of knowledge and emotions resting calmly between the crispy pages. The...

The Gift

He awoke with a start. Being thrown back to reality gave him a viceral jolt . His bleary eyes focused on a beardless face. It was Gullu, shaking him by the shoulder. “Imam Saab...

End Time!

“You! You! How could you be so cruel?” Cybele, the goddess, enters the darkroom and yell with pain in her eyes.Zeus, the greek God, take a sip from his mild drink. Then, he turn...

An untold story!

It’s 06 in the morning. The rising sun is painting the dark sky with bright colours. Birds are chirping and enjoying the cool breeze. It is the kind of morning that makes your soul...


Zain rounded the corner into an alley and kept walking further into the shadows. The door at the back stood ajar. Gently tucking the packs he was holding under his arm, he pulled the...

The Attic

“All my life you have been choosing everything for me. The clothes I wear, the food I eat, people who I hang out with, even what subjects should I study at school. Everything. You...

This is A Confession.

To whom it may concern, This is a confession. I killed my brother. I know you’re reading this, Karen, and I know you’re screaming “I KNEW IT” and jumping with joy because all your...


He was 50 metres down in the depth of the ocean and intended to explore a lot more. The deep had become his passion that didn’t let him rest since the idea had struck...


An email notification popped up and Bob jumped out of excitement. He’s been waiting for this day for years now. This calls for a celebration and immediately called his best friend to share this...