Category: S01 Contemporary


HE has been sitting there for hours trying to concentrate on finding the right words. He’s been at it for quite sometime now and it was beginning to tire him. It has been keeping...

A Burning Dream

Mike was sitting at Starbucks, swaying to smooth jazz, peacefully sipping his coffee and staring at the screen of his Mac. The rhythm of other writers tap-tapping away on their keyboards, the hissing of...


An email notification popped up and Bob jumped out of excitement. He’s been waiting for this day for years now. This calls for a celebration and immediately called his best friend to share this...

Magnum Opus

The insurance adjuster arrived early in the morning. In his profession it was better to work in the light of day. The old woman stood at the doorstep of her ruined home. The cold...

Do You Feel The Same?

The fire in your study burns brighter every time you fix your eyes on it. The flames engulf your senses. They burn you recurrently. Whenever you sit down to write. It’s a living hell....

Mistake, Promise, Potential

Wednesday, 15 January 2020 Famous Author Survives House Fire, His New Book Doesn’t The residence of best-selling author Ahi Maysaani was consumed by fire late last night. Authorities are saying that the fire was...