Category: S01 Science Fiction

Child of Heaven

A scorching wind howled through the wasteland. Passing through husks of blown-out buildings. Curving around metallic skeletons of fallen war machines. Yet it didn’t ruffle a single hair on Shiva’s head. He strode forward...

Dream – Read – Timeout

8th January, 3020 Beep, green light. Ready. Rachel felt on top of earth today.She had spent day and night working on her hybrid robots.Alpha beta and gamma.Rachel, has always believed there is more to...

Chasing Glory

There had been a loud explosion, the suit protected her eardrums but she could feel the vibration through her feet. She leaned against a wall, panting hard. She was sorely tempted to take off...


The year is 2875. Multiple mirror-Earths have been discovered in different galaxies. Our universe has been found to be one of three that exist parallelly – Centuri, Omega, and Heraxus, with inter-universal travel only...