Author: Numan Bajwa

Child of Heaven

A scorching wind howled through the wasteland. Passing through husks of blown-out buildings. Curving around metallic skeletons of fallen war machines. Yet it didn’t ruffle a single hair on Shiva’s head. He strode forward...

The Taste of Coffee

The Florentine moon shimmered like a mirage. Reflecting off the Arno before finally forming a glint on his glasses. He sighed, shaking the glass in his hand. Ice cubes clinking against each other. Behind...

3 Dates and a Movie

Date No. 1 The wind kept blowing her silky straight hair into her face. She was trying to tuck it behind her ears. But it would always find a new angle to blow the...

The Rope Bracelet

The attic was stuffier than I had expected. Guess Mom had abandoned it after Dad’s passing. I had to stoop to move around. There was only a solitary bulb flickering overhead. Thank God for...

Magnum Opus

The insurance adjuster arrived early in the morning. In his profession it was better to work in the light of day. The old woman stood at the doorstep of her ruined home. The cold...

Chasing Glory

There had been a loud explosion, the suit protected her eardrums but she could feel the vibration through her feet. She leaned against a wall, panting hard. She was sorely tempted to take off...

Lost in Transportation

I had been awake for seven days now, the glowing numbers hovering on my overhead display told me. I looked up to check my notifications and discovered it was time for another calibration. My...

The Bill Comes Due

The idea of a country dividing in two was as absurd as learning that your mother had grown a second head. It was akin to learning that the very earth beneath your feet had...